​Coordinated Grant Application Process

The Coordinated Grant Application Process (CGAP) is the coordinated effort for participating County funding streams serving similar needs to collaborate on the following:

 2025 Coordinated Grant Application Cycle

The 2025 Coordinated Grant Cycle has completed. This year there were two separate schedules and processes:

The Capital Grant Recommendation Committee (GRC) made the funding recommendations for the following funds:

  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
  • HOME Investment Partnership (HOME)
  • Community Investments in Affordable Housing (CIAH)
CDBG Public Service funding was also awarded to existing service projects at the same level as 2024. 

The Mental Health, Chemical Dependency, Therapeutic Courts (MHCDTC) Community Advisory Committee made funding awards for:
  • Capital MHCDTC Funding
  • Service MHCDTC Funding
  • See the program sections below for more information.


Funding Source Abbreviations

CDBG → Community Development Block Grant
CIAH → Community Investments in Affordable Housing
HOME → HOME Investment Partnership


Kitsap County has several different grant programs that provide funding to governments, non-profit agencies, and housing authorities for projects located throughout the county that support low-income households. CDBG and HOME are federal funds received annually from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). CIAH are local funds received from sales and use tax on eligible purchases throughout the county, the 0.1% affordable housing tax.

The funds from these programs are primarily prioritized for housing projects including acquisition, rehabilitation and/or construction that provide transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, or rental housing to households at or below 60% Area Median Income (AMI) ($65,340/ family of 4), or homeownership housing to households at 80% or below AMI ($87,100/family of 4). A small portion of funding can be used for public facility/infrastructure, public service foodbank and childcare programs, and economic development microenterprise programs that primarily provide benefit to individuals below 50% AMI ($54,450/family of 4).

Kitsap County Human Services manages these programs and allocates the funds through the Coordinated Grant Application process.

Capital and CDBG Services Funding Recommendations APPROVED

The Kitsap County Board of County Commissioners have approved the 2025 Capital and CDBG Services funding. To view the recommendations, click on the links below.

Capital Grant Recommendation Committee (GRC) & Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Awards:

CDBG Public Service Awards

The CDBG and HOME recommendations are also included in the Draft 2025 Action Plan. Click on the link to view the Plan.


Funding Source Abbreviations

MHCDTC → Mental Health, Chemical Dependency, Therapeutic Courts


Applications will be open for:

• MHCDTC - 2024 priority funding for identified service gaps

Key Dates:

• 4/1/24 → Application intent form is available
 4/30/24 → Application intent form is due
6/1/24 → MHCDTC applications are available
• 7/2/24 → MHCDTC applications are due

Download the MHCDTC schedule (pdf)

Reference Documents:

MHCDTC Eligible Projects (pdf)
Eligibility Requirements for Providing Behavioral Health Services (RCW 82.14.460)
Treatment of Individuals (pdf)
Behavioral Health Continuum of Care Attachment (pdf)

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Homeless Housing

Funding Source Abbreviations

AHGP → Affordable Housing Grant Program

HHGP → Homeless Housing Grant Program

CHG → Consolidated Homeless Grant


Applications will be open for:

• Services –

Key Dates:

• #/#/24 → Application intent form is available
• #/#/24 → applications are available
• #/#/24 → Application intent for is due
• #/#/24 → applications are due

Download the AHGP, HHGP, and CHG schedule (.pdf)


Document References:


These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are meant to provide basic information about CGAP, its process, and some information on each fund. For specific funding questions, please reach out to program staff.

What funds are included in the Coordinated Grant Application Process (CGAP)?

There are six funds included in CGAP: 

Federal Funds

  • • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
  • • HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) 

County Funds 

  • • Mental Health Chemical Dependency and Therapeutic Courts (1/10th of 1 percent for Mental Health program) (MHCDTC)
  • • Homeless Housing Grant Program (HHGP) 
  • • Affordable Housing Grant Program (AHGP) 
  • • Community Investments in Affordable Housing (CIAH)

Who is eligible to apply for CGAP funds?

  • • Government entities
  • • Housing authorities
  • • Nonprofit agencies (501(c)3)
  • • Development corporations
  • • Private for-profit corporations may be eligible for some projects. Please contact CGAP staff to confirm eligibility)

What types of activities can CGAP fund?

There is some variation based on the specific fund, but generally CGAP funds can pay for:

  • • A wide range of behavioral, mental health, and social services
  • • Emergency shelter operations and related services
  • • Housing operations, maintenance, and rental assistance
  • • Capital facilities and housing projects:
    • o Construction
    • o Rehabilitation
    • o Acquisition (building and/or land)
    • o Homeownership assistance
  • • Microenterprise Programs

How much funding is available?

The amount of funding from each source will vary each grant year. However, for reference, in 2023, CGAP made the following amount of funds available: 

  • • CDBG -> $803,710 
  • • HOME -> $795,304 
  • • MHCDTC -> $7,500,983 
  • • HHGP -> $1,142,889 
  • • AHGP -> $166,215 
  • • EHF -> $612,409 
  • • CIAH -> $7,250,000

How are funds prioritized?

CDBG and HOME funds are prioritized according to the Kitsap County – City of Bremerton 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan. This plan identifies the priorities and goals which guide the allocation of funds over a five-year period.

CIAH funds are prioritized according to the CIAH Policy Plan, updated annually and published in May of each year. The plan identifies the funding priorities which guide the funding recommendation each year.

MHCDTC funds are prioritized according to the Strategic Plan, which guides the goals and objectives of allocation for a six-year period. Combined with annual analysis of data collected and measured against other community health disparity reports and findings, the priorities are derived and listed in the RFP

HHGP, AHGP, and CHG funds are prioritized according to the Policy Plan for the Housing and Homelessness Division.  This Policy Plan is updated each grant cycle (typically every 2 years), and the priorities are based on the funding source. Priorities for CHG (Consolidated Homeless Grant) are based on set-asides from the WA State legislature, and non-specified funds are used for specific eligible activities.  HHGP/AHGP funding priorities are for programs which provide assistance to homeless individuals through activities identified in the Kitsap Homeless Crisis Response and Housing Plan. 

How are the CGAP funds made available to the public?

Each fund source within CGAP will publish a Request for Proposals (RFP) or Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). These notices will be delivered to those who have signed up to receive the GovDelivery notices from CGAP. Notices will also be posted on the County’s CGAP website.

All of the funds made available through an RFP or NOFA are funded through a competitive process, where applicants submit applications that are scored by a committee of community members. The committee’s recommendations are posted for a written comment period and forwarded to the Kitsap County Board of Commissioners for a public hearing and approval.

What is the overview of the funding process?

There are some differences between how the funds ultimately award funds, but generally the process is:

  1. 1. RFP or NOFA is posted
  2. 2. Interested agencies submit an Application Intent form
  3. 3. Applicants receive a link to work on and submit an application to one or more funding sources
  4. 4. County staff and the associated application scoring committee review all submitted applications
  5. 5. County staff make public the funding recommendations
  6. 6. County staff reach out to agencies to begin contracting process

How can I be notified of updates for any fund within CGAP?

Please subscribe to the County’s electronic notification system at: Kitsap County Washington (govdelivery.com)

Once you submit your email and setup your optional password and select Submit, you’ll see a list of categories to receive updates on. Under Human Services, select Coordinated Grant Application Process.

 CGAP Programs

For questions or more information about a grant program, please contact the following personnel:

Block Grant Programs


Bonnie Tufts, Program Manager

Shannon Bauman, Program Analyst

Community Investments in Affordable Housing


Joel Warren, Program Supervisor

Homeless Housing Programs


Carl Borg, Program Supervisor

Mental Health, Chemical Dependency, Therapeutic Courts


Hannah Shockley, Program Supervisor


Subscribe to the County's Electronic Notification System

 Notice of Disclosure:

NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) is the legislative body of Kitsap County which administers these grant programs. As the legislative body, the BOCC approves the funding awards and the annual CDBG/HOME Action Plan. The BOCC also serves on the Kitsap County Consolidated Housing Authority dba Housing Kitsap Board as provided under state law. Because all three county commissioners sit on the Housing Kitsap board, it is impossible for them to all recuse themselves from approving grant awards. Housing Kitsap submitted applications for the 2024 grant cycle. The BOCC does not receive financial benefit as board members for Housing Kitsap but understand the perceived conflict of interest and therefore appoint citizens to serve on the Grant Recommendation Committee to review Coordinated Grant Applications and make funding recommendations. The BOCC receives the recommendations for consideration and final approval.