Housing and Homelessness Program Information for Grant Recipients

​Grant Programs and Guidelines

The Kitsap County Housing & Homelessness Division works to reduce Kitsap homelessness and support and increase affordable housing through implementation of state legislation and local policies.  The goals of making homelessness rare, brief, and one-time is supported through systematic planning, facilitating strategic investments of public funds, measuring and reporting on progress, and ensuring an effective community response to these issues. 

Detailed information, grant guidelines, reporting and other tools about each of the grant programs managed by the Housing and Homelessness Division are outlined below.

This grant section and the documents below are intended ONLY for use by organizations that are currently contracted with Kitsap County, not people who are applying for assistance. 

Homeless Housing Grant Program (HHGP) and Affordable Housing Grant Program (AHGP)

The Affordable Housing Grant Program (AHGP) and the Homeless Housing Grant Program (HHGP) are funds authorized by the Washington State Legislature and are collected through a fee on certain transactions recorded at the Auditor's Office.  These funds are used to support the operations of emergency shelters and homeless service programs.

Grant Guidelines

guidebook_48x48.png2025 Kitsap County Grant Guidelines Handbook for HHGP, AHGP, and CHG (updated 12/20/2024)

Reimbursement Requests

Show Reimbursement Request Instructions >>

excel_logo48x48.png Download the 2024 KCHHD Expense Report Form  (v1.1.0 7/30/2024)

cognito_logo48x48.png Submit your Reimbursement Request online using the Cognito KCHHD Reimbursement Request Form (updated 7/30/2024)

Quarterly Progress Reports

Grant recipients must submit a quarterly report for each quarter of their contract, regardless of whether there was any grant activity. Quarterly Progress Reports are due the last weekday of the month following the end of the calendar quarter (generally April 30, July 30, October 31, and January 31). All Quarterly Progress Reports are submitted electronically through CognitoForms. Download the Submitting KCHHD Quarterly Progress Reports User Guide for detailed instructions.
* 4th quarter reports are considered Final Quarterly Progress Reports for the year, these reports contain a few additional questions reguarding cumulative expenditure information. 

business-report48x48.pngSubmit your 2024-2025 HHGP/AHGP or ARPA Quarterly Progress Report (updated 11/13/2024)

Document Submission Form

Contractors that are required to submit backup documentation or other documents from monitoring or other requests which may contain personally identifying information (PII) must use a secure method to transmit this information. Use this form to submit information to the Division securely.

excel_logo48x48.png Submit your document using the KCHHD Secure Document Upload Form

Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG) and Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)

The Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG) program is funded through the portion of document recording fees that are not retained locally and transmitted to the Washington State Dept of Commerce.  Commerce distributes these funds back to counties through contracts for specific homeless housing and services.

The Emergency Housing Fund (EHF) is a program funded through the WA State Dept Commerce. Guidance and allowable uses follow the Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG)/System Demonstration Grant (SDG) guidelines, but are restricted to "emergency housing" activities, to include: street outreach, diversion, emergency shelter including hotel/motel leasing, sanctioned encampments, transitional housing, rapid re-housing, housing search and placement, and housing stability case management. Household eligibility requirements also follow the CHG/SDG guidelines.

Grant Guidelines

guidebook_48x48.png2025 Kitsap County Grant Guidelines Handbook for HHGP, AHGP, CHG, and EHF (updated 12/20/2024) 

wacommerce48x48.png Access the WA State Department of Commerce Consolidated Homeless Grant webpage for CHG Guidelines, Forms, and Resources

Reimbursement Requests

Show Consolidated Homeless Grant & EHF Reimbursement Request Instructions >>

excel_logo48x48.png Download the 2024 KCHHD Expense Report Form  (v1.1.0  3/13/2024)

excel_logo48x48.png Download the Diverse Spend Reportable Expenses Report Form (3/6/2024)

cognito_logo48x48.png Submit your Reimbursement Request online using the Cognito KCHHD Reimbursement Request Form   (updated 7/30/2024)

Quarterly Progress Reports

Grant recipients must submit a quarterly report for each quarter of their contract, regardless of whether there was any grant activity. Quarterly Progress Reports are due the last weekday of the month following the end of the calendar quarter (generally April 30, July 30, October 31, and January 31). All Quarterly Progress Reports are submitted electronically through CognitoForms. Download the Submitting KCHHD Quarterly Progress Reports User Guide for detailed instructions.
* 4th quarter reports are considered Final Quarterly Progress Reports for the year, these reports contain a few additional questions reguarding cumulative expenditure information. 

business-report48x48.png Submit your CHG, HEN, and EHF SFY25 Electronic Quarterly Progress Report  (updated 11/13/2024)

Document Submission Form

Contractors that are required to submit backup documentation or other documents from monitoring or other requests which may contain personally identifying information (PII) must use a secure method to transmit this information. Use this form to submit information to the Division securely.

excel_logo48x48.png Submit your document using the KCHHD Secure Document Upload Form

Kitsap Eviction Prevention Assistance KEPA Grant

The Kitsap Eviction Assistance Program (KEPA) includes several different funding sources for rental assistance prevent eviction for our County's lowest-income households.  This program is funded through the federal Corona Virus Relief Act.

**Attention** This grant section and the documents below are intended ONLY for use by organizations that are currently contracted with Kitsap County, not people who are applying for eviction prevention assistance. If you are interested in applying for this eviction assistance program please visit the Kitsap Eviction Prevention Assistance KEPA webpage for more information and instructions to apply.

Grant Guidelines and Documents

guidebook_48x48.png KEPA Kitsap Guidelines October 2022 PDF (updated 10/17/2022)     |     KEPA Q&A  PDF  (updated 4/6/2022)

KEPA Forms

KEPA Pre-Application 
     KCR    English PDF |  Fillable PDF  |  Word  (v1.2 4/9/2021)
     KCR    Español PDF |  Fillable PDF  |  Word  (v1.2 4/9/2021)
     Generic English  PDF |  Fillable PDF |  Word  (v1.2 4/9/2021)
     Generic Español  PDF |  Fillable PDF |  Word  (v1.2 4/9/2021)

ERAP 2.0 Forms and Guidelines

ERAP 2.0 Grant Guidelines  PDF  (v3 updated 8/5/2022)
ERAP 2.0 Q&A  PDF  (v2 updated 8/5/2022)

Kitsap County ERAP 2.0 Household Information and Eligibility Form   PDF   |   Word   (v5 9/9/2022)
ERAP 2.0 Rent Payment Agreement Form   PDF   |   Word   (v4 8/5/2022)
ERAP 2.0 Utility Payment Agreement Form   PDF   |   Word   (v1 8/5/2022)

ERAP 2.0 Monthly Distribution Organization Reporting

ERAP 2.0 Monthly Report Form  ZIP (v4 8/5/2022)  *Rental Assistance Organizations only - due by the 14th of each month*

Reimbursement Requests

Show Reimbursement Request Instructions and Downloads >>

excel_logo48x48.png Download the 2024 KCHHD Expense Report Form  (v1.1.0  7/30/2024) for ERA2

excel_logo48x48.pngDownload the 2023 KCHHD Reimbursement Request Form  (v1.8.6  10/18/2023) for ARPA

cognito_logo48x48.png Submit your Reimbursement Request and Backup Documentation online using the Cognito KCHHD Document Submission Form

Final Reports

Show Final Report Instructions >>

wacommerce48x48.png Washington State Department of Commerce

Link to the Commerce CARES Act and State Rent Assistance
ERAP1.0 Guidelines, Forms and Q&A
ERAP2.0 Guidelines, Forms and Q&A
T-RAP Guidelines, Forms and Q&A

Document Submission Form

Contractors that are required to submit backup documentation or other documents from monitoring or other requests which may contain personally identifying information (PII) must use a secure method to transmit this information. Use this form to submit information to the Division securely.

excel_logo48x48.png Submit your document using the KCHHD Secure Document Upload Form

Excel, Guide, Business Report icons created by Freepik - Flaticon, juicy_fish

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Content Editor ‭[5]‬

Emergency Solutions Grant COVID-19  (ESG-CV)

The Housing and Homelessness Division of the Kitsap County Department of Human Services was granted funding from the supplemental appropriation of Homeless Assistance Grants under the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG). The Emergency Solutions Grant COVID-19 (ESG-CV) funds are to be used to prevent, prepare for and respond to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Grant Guidelines

guidebook_48x48.png2022 Kitsap County ESG-CV Grant Guidelines Handbook (updated 11/4/2022)

wacommerce48x48.png Access the WA State Department of Commerce Emergency Solutions Grant webpage for ESG-CV Guidelines, Forms, and Resources

Reimbursement Requests

Show ESG-CV Grant Reimbursement Request Instructions >>

excel_logo48x48.png Download the 2023 KCHHD Reimbursement Request Form  (v1.8  2/3/2023)

cognito_logo48x48.png Submit your Reimbursement Request and Backup Documentation online using the Cognito KCHHD Document Submission Form

Quarterly Progress Reports

Show Program Quarterly Report Instructions >>

ð Submit your Electronic Quarterly Progress Report


ð Submit your ESG-CV Final Progress Report


COVID-19 Response

The Housing and Homelessness Division of the Kitsap County Department of Human Services was granted emergency COVID-19 Homeless Response funding from the Washington State Department of Commerce.  These funds were granted for the purpose of supporting activities that will reduce the spread of COVID-19 among people experiencing homelessness. 

Grant Guidelines

2020 COVID-19 Grant Guidelines (updated 5/1/2020)

Excel, Guide, Business Report icons created by Freepik - Flaticon, juicy_fish

Contact Us

   Carl Borg, Division Manager
   360-979-6027 or ceborg@kitsap.gov 

   Virginia McCaslin, Grants Program Analyst
   360-979-6358 or vmccaslin@kitsap.gov

   Leah Noldan, Contracts Coordinator
   360-337-7289 or lnoldan@kitsap.gov

   Cory Derenburger, Division Specialist
   360-337-7287 or cderenbu@kitsap.gov

   Doug Washburn, 
   Director Department of Human Services

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