Information Services

Information Services is the central information technology hub for Kitsap County, located in the County Courthouse.  The group provides technology infrastructure and communications, application development, system support and network solutions to all County departments and some other local government entities. 

The department provides and maintains:

  • Core land based geographic system (GIS) of parcels, addresses and city boundaries
  • Crime records database for law enforcement (Sheriff, Poulsbo Police, Port Orchard Police, Bainbridge island, Bremerton Police and tribal police)
  • First responders network for police, fire and emergency management
  • Fleet of Virtual Servers (saving costs as opposed to physical servers)
  • Telephone and voice mail services for the County, Health District and the Housing Authority
  • Video arraignment and conferencing
  • Kitsap1 call center for public communications

Mission Statement​
Information Services is committed to applying technology and communication resources to meet the County’s operational business needs. We will use our technical knowledge, innovative solutions, Lean principles, project and communication management skills to help the County be a leader in practical, cost-effective, secure and reliable technology.

 Governmental Access Television

Kitsap County contracts with Bremerton Kitsap Access Television (BKAT) for local broadcasting of regularly scheduled meetings, hearings and special events. Programming airs on Comcast Channel 12 and Astound/Wave Cable on Channel 3

Kitsap County Commissioners' meetings are broadcast live the second and fourth Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m.

Commissioner's Corner programs are broadcast every Monday at 8:30 p.m. and Tuesday at 2:00 p.m.