​The Project Management Office (PMO) and Performance Excellence Across Kitsap (PEAK) staff supports Information Services through standardized process improvement and project management.  The PEAK Program utilizes Lean Six Sigma methodologies to identify and streamline internal processes to better serve the citizens of Kitsap County. The program focuses on training and certification of County employees to assist in delivering process improvement and excellence throughout every department.  PEAK.jpg

The PEAK Program has certified 329 trained Yellow Belt employee practitioners and 56 trained Green Belt employee practitioners. Green Belt certified employees are tasked with not only identifying areas of improvement within their department but leading Kaizen groups through change development and implementation. Kaizen is the Japanese word for "improvement".  Kitsap County's PEAK Program has led many Kaizen events and effectively implemented significant time and cost savings across County departments.

The PMO has brought formality and standardization to Information Services and leads customization and performance improvement projects. Projects ranging from software system upgrades in the Sherriff's Department to Geographical Information Services (GIS) projects directly benefiting tax payers to internet updates and refreshed data.  Kitsap County's Project Management Office's diligent efforts provide measureable results and benefits across the County.
