

The mission of the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office Detective Division is to enhance the quality of life for the citizens, by providing a safer community in which to live through the identification and deterrence of criminal activity.  The role of the Detective Division is to combat crime by the provision of prompt, diligent, and proactive investigations while respecting the rights of the citizens of Kitsap County.  The Detective Division accomplishes this mission by maximizing the use of traditional investigative techniques in combination with the most current technological resources available. The Detective Division works in close cooperation with other municipalities in Kitsap County, as well as other local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies to accomplish its ultimate goal of a successful response to the needs of the citizens of Kitsap County.


The primary objective of the Detective Division of the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office is to reduce the rate of crime by arresting those responsible for committing crimes in our community.

The Detective Division is currently managed by a sergeant, lieutenant, and chief.  In addition to those 3 individuals, there are currently 10 detectives assigned to this division along with 4 support staff, which also includes evidence and property.


The Detective Division becomes involved in a case in various ways; a verbal report is made by a citizen to a patrol deputy then a report is written or when an officer has completed a report it is then forwarded to the Detective Division.

Some of the criteria used to determine which cases merit follow-up investigation includes:

·         Crime patterns

·         Method of operation

·         Physical evidence

·         Suspect information

·         Vehicle information

·         Witness statements

Not all cases are automatically assigned to a detective to investigate. The following is a general list of crimes to be investigated by detectives.

Crimes Against Persons

o        Homicide

o    Questionable deaths

o    Manslaughter

o    Murders

o        Kidnapping

o        Felony Assaults

o        Investigation of child or elder physical abuse

o        Sex Crimes

o    Child pornography

o    Internet cases of the seduction of children

o    Sexual assault cases against juveniles and adults

Crimes Against Property

o        Auto Theft: crime involving the theft of:

o    Automobiles

o    Boats

o    Motorcycles

o    Trucks

o        Burglary: both commercial and residential burglary crimes.

o        Theft

o        Financial/Computer Crimes: Major white-collar crimes including:

o    Check and credit card offenses

o    Computer crime

o    Elder finance abuse

o    Embezzlement

o    Forgery

o    Fraud

o    Identity theft

Other Crimes

Sex Offender Registrations: Implementing the State Law regarding the registration and monitoring of all local sex offenders in Kitsap County.

Crime Scene Processing

·         Overall scene processing

·         Latent fingerprint processing and examination

·         Bloodstain analysis

·         Serial number restoration

·         Video analysis

​Chief of Detectives
Chad Birkenfeld
Contact Information​

Main Office:  360.337.7101
Detectives Admin:  360.337.7110
Evidence & Property:  360.337.4436
TIP line:  1.800.782.7463

Sex Offenders Contact:
Detective Fred Breed 360.337.5613


​​Looking for a challenging and rewarding career, you found it.