Office of Professional Standards

The Office of Professional Standards (OPS) is the office within the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office that is responsible for our training, policy manual, WASPC accreditation, and internal investigations.  OPS is where the standards are created and maintained for KCSO.  OPS also receives and reviews commendations from citizens and investigates employee misconduct. 

The Kitsap County Sheriff's Office encourages you to take the time to read through our manual:

View the Policy Manual

The Sheriff's Policy Manual is a statement of the current policies, rules, and guidelines for the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office. 

View the Social Media Terms of Use

The Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) social media are intended for KCSO to post selected topics regarding its mission, programs, activities, and news stories, with the public’s content intended to be limited to the selected topics KCSO posts. These Terms of Use (TOU) govern access and use of all KCSO social media. Posting any content on KCSO social media constitutes acceptance of the TOU.

View the 2023 Sheriff's Office Annual Report

The Annual Report is a collection of annual stats from each division of the Sheriff's Office.  It provides insight into our successes throughout the year, and some areas we need to focus on.

View the 2023 Sheriff's Professional Standards Report

The Annual Report is designed to serve as a roadmap for law enforcement, communities, and stakeholders to build meaningful, sustainable, trusting, and effective working relationships. Summit participants outlined three conceptual elements of building community-police relationships. the report defines those elements-communication, partnerships, and trust—and provides recommendations for improvement in each.

View the 2024 Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan was updated in 2024.  Throughout the year the team discussed and created goals and strategies that would assist the Sheriff’s Office in serving our community more efficiently and that Kitsap County would benefit from.

If you have questions or are looking for something, not on this page, please let us know.  Submit comments or questions online here. Responses generally take 1-3 working days.  If you would like to leave a compliment or a concern about an employee please use the links below.  

Click here to submit an employee compliment or commendation.

Click here to submit an employee complaint or concern.

If you have a question about a procedure or other general concern, please contact the Office of Professional Standards at 360.337.7002 or send an email to

Regular Sheriff's Office inquiries may be sent to for organizational information about the Sheriff's Office.

Other References or Resources

View Kitsap County Services, Projects, and Programs Regarding Social Justice, Policing, and Human Services
This resource highlights law enforcement efforts regarding social justice, policing, and human services. 

Law Enforcement Safety Act - LEOSA

Click here for WASPC LEOSA information

Click here for the WCJTC LEOSA retired application process 

Federal House Bill 218- LEOSA Bill

FOP Evergreen Lodge #1 hosts an LEOSA handgun qualification course. See their website here.