Public Works Project Planning

Public Works plans projects for roads, sewer, solid waste and stormwater management. Learn how projects are planned for the community.

Roads Division

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) & Annual Construction Program

Public Works prepares the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Annual Construction Program to update and coordinate the county's future plans for road and transportation improvements.

Prior to the adoption of the TIP, the Board of County Commissioners conducts formal public hearings so the public can provide input and suggestions for projects. 

Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (searchable PDF)

Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (with adopting resolution)

Annual Road Program Resolution 2025 (searchable PDF)

Annual Road Program Resolution 2025 (with adopting resolution)

Annual Bridge Report 2023

TIP Map for 2025-2030

TIP Project Evaluation Process: An evaluation system is used for the selection of transportation projects for funding in the county's TIP program.  Projects that are placed into the process are scored and ranked using objective criteria. These criteria include safety and/or capacity needs, structural condition, availability of funding, and timing of the funding, especially for state and federally funded programs. 
TIP Process Document

To Submit A Transportation Capital Project Idea

Transportation Planning
Learn more about the Transportation Planning Section and view associated planning documents.

​Stormwater Division

​Stormwater Capital Facilities Program

The Capital Facilities Program prioritizes and manages large stormwater system improvement projects. These projects reduce the frequency and severity of flooding, improve water quality, increase fish passage and provide habitat.

Capital Facilities Plan - Map

See the 2025 - 2030 Stormwater Capital Facilities Plan


Some of the older parts of the stormwater system do not remove pollutants or control storm flows well, causing problems downstream. We identify and focus on locations with these issues for community stormwater retrofits. These projects upgrade the system with new structures.  Some use green stormwater techniques, like rain gardens, permeable pavement, sand filters or tree filter boxes that mimic the natural processes that were in place before the site was developed.

The county maintains many stormwater ponds and ditches, which are crucial to the system.  When we retrofit stormwater facilities and the drainage system, we improve water quality treatment, reduce flooding, and add more lifespan to these systems.  Stormwater staff perform these projects, which are not large enough to warrant outside contractors. 

Regulations Governing Stormwater

Kitsap County is regulated by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Permit issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology.

Sewer Utility Division

​Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan

In compliance with RCW 36.70A.130(2)(a)(iv) and KCC 21.08.020, Kitsap County's Sewer Utility conducts an assessment of county owned/operated municipal sanitary sewer systems and develops a Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan.

2025-2030 Sewer Utility Capital Facilities Plan

20-year sewer facility plans for Central Kitsap, Kingston, and Manchester as well as maintenance records are used to develop the six-year list of improvement projects. The projects are selected based on future Washington State Department of Ecology regulation changes, high likelihood of failure due to infrastructure past its service life, and impacts on the treatment plant or the environment due to outdated collection systems. 

Regulations/Standards Governing The Sewer Utility

Kitsap County Code Title 13 - Water and Sewer
Reference 13.12 - Public Sewer System (Ordinance #55)
Reference 13.14 - Sewer Fees  (Ordinance #113)  

Solid Waste Division


The 2025-2030 Solid Waste Capital Facilities Plan, part of the Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan, addresses the growing need for capacity, repairs and improvements to Solid Waste facilities. Facilities include five active collection sites, development of a new collection site and management of two existing, closed landfills in Kitsap County.

Olympic View Transfer Station Facility Master Plan

Solid Waste Plan

The Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Plan recommends strategies to manage solid waste generated in Kitsap which includes the cities, tribal areas and naval bases within. Strategies address how to manage collection, diversion, storage, processing, transporting and final disposal of waste including recyclables and hazardous material.

Projects are planned with guidance from the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. We follow the Kitsap County Board of Health Solid Waste Regulations and Kitsap County Code

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Kitsap County Department of Public Works Roads Division assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and as amended, and the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (P.I. 100.259) be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance from the Washington State Department of Transportation.

For Title VI information, to locate our Title VI plan, and to learn how to file a complaint, please visit our Title VI Page. Contact Kitsap1 at 360.337.5777 or email for more information.