Public Road Name Signs
Kitsap County Public Works is responsible for street name signs on maintained (public) roads. For new roads: Kitsap County Department of Community Development assigns addresses and approves road names. Property owners are responsible for acquiring and installing the initial street name sign(s). Once the County accepts the newly dedicated road, Public Works assumes maintenance responsibility.
All forms of traffic control in Kitsap County follow the national guidelines
outlined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
Private Road Name Signs
Where private roads intersect with County maintain roads the public can request a road name sign from the County. The County will fabricate, install, and will maintain the sign as long as the road remains in the County's jurisdiction. The fee for this process is $120.
A private road intersecting with another private road is not under Kitsap County's jurisdiction. Street name signs for these locations must be purchased and installed by a private vendor and must comply with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and be installed in compliance with roadside safety guidelines.
Road Name Sign Order Form
For private roads intersecting with a State Highway, contact the Washington State DOT at 360.874.3050
Roadside Memorial
The county roadside memorial program was created to facilitate the grieving process for those family members who have lost a loved one in an automobile-related incident.
Click here to learn more about the program and to apply for a memorial marker.
Special Needs Signs
Families of children with special needs may apply for traffic sign with one of the following messages:
Deaf Child Area
Blind Child Area
Handicapped Child Area
The County will fabricate, install, and maintain the sign until the child reaches majority age. The fee for this process is $150.
Special Needs Sign Application
NOTE: Washington State law does not recognize, and Federal Standards discourage, the use of "SLOW CHILDREN AT PLAY SIGNS." Kitsap County's policy does not provide for the installation of these signs.
Adopt a Spot Volunteer Recognition Signs
Adopt a Spot Program volunteers have the option of installing a recognition signs after two years of participation in this cleanup program. Learn more about this litter program.
Non-County signs and notices
Signs or notices for political uses, advertising yard sales, real estate and other community events often serve a useful purpose, but they can contribute to the litter problem and can create a safety hazard for motorists and pedestrians. Please refer to the Sign Code KCC 17.510 before posting any sign or notice.
- Never place a sign/notice on a County sign post
- Remove all sign/notices in a timely manner
- Signs/notices placed on private property requires owner permission
How to Report Downed Traffic Signs
Kitsap County's road system includes over 20,000 traffic control signs. Prompt reporting of damaged or downed signs is crucial for everyone's safety. Stop and Yield signs are especially important, and any issues with these signs should be reported immediately by calling 911. Kitsap County Public Works responds to downed Stop and Yield signs 24/7.
For other traffic signs needing maintenance, please contact Kitsap1 at 360.337.5777