Connect to Sewer

Property owners in Kitsap County are required to use a licensed contractor to connect to sewer. All fees must be paid prior to connection.

The following information is a guide for connecting a building to the Kitsap County sewer system. Regulations and requirements are in place to protect the health and environment of property owners, utility customers, and the general public.

Sewer Connection Requirements ​

Licensed Contractor Property owners are required to use one of the Kitsap County's licensed side sewer contractors. The contractors have passed a written exam with the Sewer Utility Division to become licensed and are therefore, knowledgeable with the County's regulations and requirements.
Sewer Fees and PermitsFees must be paid prior to connecting. The fees include some or all of the following: Newcomer Assessment Fee, Developer Payback Fee, Saddle & Tap Fee, Building Side Sewer Permit Fee, Lien Release Fee, Right-of-Way (ROW) Permit Fee. 
Right-of-Way (ROW) permitA Right-of-Way (ROW) permit is required if any part of the side sewer piping is installed in the roadway or within the road right-of-way of Kitsap County Roads.
Individual Pump Systems (IPS)When a building cannot meet the requirements to gravity into the County sewer system, then a property owner may have the option to install an individual pump system (IPS). An IPS requires an operation and maintenance agreement included in the submittal.
Pre-Application and General Requirements
A summary of fees and construction requirements per Kitsap County Code provided as a reference to developers.



Side Sewer: The portion of the lateral sewer pipe that runs from the connection at the sewer main to the property line.

Building Sewer: The continuation of the lateral sewer pipe that runs from the property line to the connection to the building.

Regulations/Standards Governing the Sewer Utility:

Kitsap County Code  Title 13 - Water and Sewer
reference 13.12 - Public Sewer System (Ordinance #55)
reference 13.14 - Sewer Fees  (Ordinance #113)

Kitsap County Public Works Standards (in Adobe Acrobat PDF format)

Division III   Side Sewers and Building Sewers
Division VI   Individual Grinder Pump Installation
Division VII  Pipe Details and General Notes 


​SDAP Inspection and Application Sequencing Guide

Application to Construct

Application for Discharge to CKTP

Developer Payback Application

Disposal Application for Septic Haulers

LID Information

Owner's Installation Packet

Owner's Sample Easement

Perpetual Easement Form 1 - Temporary Construction

Perpetual Easement Form 2

Sewer Availability Agreement




 Contact Us

If you have questions about connecting to sewer, contact Kitsap1 and ask to be connected with Sewer Utility staff.
