Over the last two years, Kitsap County has been working with the community, stakeholders, and local tribes on an update of its Comprehensive Plan. Through public feedback on multiple drafts, Kitsap County will release updated draft documents directing population and employment growth, promoting housing diversity, protecting environmental features, and addressing necessary infrastructure through 2044.
These revised documents will be released today (Aug. 30) on the Comprehensive Plan webpage.
The main updates and initiatives proposed in these documents include:
Significant focus on accommodating growth through increased multifamily and attached housing in new and existing urban neighborhoods.
Promotion of dense multifamily housing in Silverdale, Kingston, and the McWilliams area, focusing growth to reduce vehicle miles traveled, improve walkability, and increase transit availability.
Protection of rural areas with no rural rezones, and urban area expansions limited to city requests, industrial land, and improved housing diversity.
Establishment of a climate change element to act as a foundation for future climate actions.
There are four documents providing a complete picture of planning through 2044:
The Comprehensive Plan, which establishes goals and policies to direct future county actions.
A Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) describing the potential impacts of future growth on the environment and potential mitigation measures.
A Capital Facilities Plan describing necessary infrastructure such as roads, sewer, schools, fire, and water to accommodate the proposed growth.
Development Regulations that direct how development may occur, including densities, building heights, setbacks, parking, and tree canopy requirements.
Upon release, Kitsap will hold two public workshops to discuss these drafts:
Virtual Workshop - Sept. 10 at 6 p.m. via Zoom (link to be released on our project webpage.)
In-Person Workshop – Sept. 12 at 6 p.m. at the Kitsap County Administration Building, Commissioner Chambers, 619 Division St., Port Orchard.
Following these and other stakeholder and community meetings, the documents will be reviewed and public hearings held before the Planning Commission (September/October) and Board of County Commissioners (October/November), leading to formal adoption in December.
For more information regarding the Comprehensive Plan Update, the schedule, and other details, please email our staff or visit the project webpage.