Kitsap County News

Kitsap County staff honored for contributions to end homelessness5/8/2024

Three receive awards from the Kitsap Housing and Homelessness Coalition

 Port Orchard, WA –The Kitsap Housing and Homelessness Coalition (KHHC) recently recognized individuals and organizations for their unwavering commitment, dedication, and innovative approaches in addressing homelessness in our community. Among the recipients of this year's awards were three County staff members directly engaged in initiatives to support Kitsap's unhoused population.

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Elected Official Award – Charlotte Garrido

The Elected Official Award recognizes the extraordinary commitment of an elected official to address homelessness within the community. This year's recipient was Kitsap County Commissioner Charlotte Garrido. Serving as District 2 Commissioner, Garrido has tirelessly advocated for the well-being and housing needs of Kitsap County residents. With a background in urban planning and community organization, Garrido has spearheaded initiatives aimed at enhancing workforce training programs and seeking solutions for housing individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

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Community Impact Award – Doug Washburn

The Community Impact Award acknowledges individuals, projects, or organizations that have made a significant difference in addressing homelessness. Doug Washburn, Director of Kitsap County Human Services, was recognized for his outstanding leadership and collaborative efforts in developing and maintaining essential services for Kitsap residents. With extensive experience in public sector budgeting, policy development, and strategic planning, Washburn has played a pivotal role in advancing initiatives to support vulnerable populations and promote community well-being.

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Exceptional Service by a Staff Member – Jarrod Moran

The Exceptional Service by a Staff Member Award celebrates the dedication and compassion of frontline workers who go above and beyond to support individuals experiencing homelessness. This year's recipient was Jarrod Moran, former coordinator of Kitsap County's Homeless Encampment Action Response and Transitions (HEART) team. The HEART Program, launched in April 2022, ensures a coordinated and compassionate response to unauthorized homeless encampments on Kitsap County property.

The KHHC awards underscore the County's commitment to resolving homelessness and housing issues. In 2019, Kitsap County adopted a comprehensive Homeless Crisis & Housing Response plan to reduce homelessness through an efficient response system, that includes five goals: making homelessness rare through prevention strategies, ensuring it is brief via crisis response tactics, promoting one-time occurrences by ensuring long-term housing stability, enhancing the homeless response system's capacity and efficiency, and broadening community engagement. Most recently, Garrido, Washburn and the County's Human Services staff have been leading efforts to construct a new, first-of-its-kind, congregate co-shelter facility in the Mile Hill area of South Kitsap. The Pacific Building is slated to provide temporary housing for 75 people and their companion animals, along with wrap-around services, 24/7, 365 days a year. The facility is expected to open in November 2024.

Each year, KHHC recognizes people who are making a difference in our community. The organization is committed to providing leadership to end homelessness through planning, coordination, advocacy, and education, with the goal of self-sufficiency for homeless individuals and families through affordable housing, prevention, and support services.


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Charlotte Garrido:

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Homeless Crisis & Housing Response plan:

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