Cadastral Mapping


The Assessor's Cadastral Division is responsible for tax parcel boundary mapping and property records maintenance for the Assessor's Office.  This includes segregations for new plats, short plats, taxpayer requests, deeds, court cases, boundary line adjustments, etc.  The Cadastral group also process property split and merge requests, sales, and manufactured/mobile home data maintenance.


Noteworthy information:

The Assessor's parcel numbers are for tax purposes only and have no bearing on what is considered to be a legal lot. (Contact the Planning Department of the appropriate jurisdiction for more information.) 

Segregation of real property requires that all taxes be paid in full for the entire year and previous years, for all parcels involved, per RCW 84.56.340.


 Laws & Rules

RCW Chapter 84.56.340 - Payment on part of parcel or tract or on undivided interest or fractional interest - Division - Certification - Appeal.

RCW Chapter 58.04.007 - Affected landowners may resolve dispute over location of a point or line - Procedures.

WAC Chapter 458-61A-109 - Trading/exchanging property and boundary line adjustments.

RCW Chapter 84.56.345 - Alteration of Property Lines