Updating Kitsap County's stormwater management Ordinance, Title 12 KCC, "Stormwater Drainage," and adopting a new Kitsap County Stormwater Design Manual effective October 4, 2021.
View the online version of the Stormwater Design Manual, click here.
Kitsap County Stormwater Manual - Previous Version (effective December 31, 2016)
Draft Documents
3rd Draft (April 2021)
(3rd draft redline/strikeout version)
(3rd draft redline/strikeout version)
(redline/strikeout version)
2nd Draft (June 2020)
(2nd draft redline/strikeout version)
| (2nd draft redline/strikeout version)
Planning Commission Findings of Fact Corrections Memo (July 14, 2020)
(redline/strikeout version)
(final 2016 SDM to 2020 SDM)
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) determinations

In 2019, Ecology revised its stormwater design manual for
Western Washington communities. As such, Kitsap County is mandated to update
it’s Stormwater Design Manual and relevant development codes for consistency.
Kitsap County Departments of Public Works and Community Development have
collaboratively embarked on a review and update process, with the assistance of a
consulting firm.
Scope of Work
In April 2019, Herrera Environmental Consultants (Herrera) was contracted by Kitsap County to update the Kitsap County Stormwater Design Manual (SDM), develop an online version of the SDM, conduct focused review of the Kitsap County Code (KCC), and assist with any necessary revisions to the KCC. The revised manual and any code changes will not be effective until
January 1, 2021, or later if the Board determines a later date would be beneficial.
Important Meeting dates and Materials
All the information listed below is tentative and subject to change.
May 19, 2020
| Planning Commission Work-Study Briefing
| Materials
(available on Planning Commission site)
June 16, 2020
| Planning Commission Public Work Study
| Materials
(available on Planning Commission site)
July 7, 2020
| Planning Commission Public Hearing
July 21, 2020
| Planning Commissioner Deliberation and Finding of Fact
| Materials
(available on Planning Commission site)
August 3, 2020
| Board of County Commissioners Work Study
| Executive Summary
September 14, 2020
| Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing
| Agenda Summary
September 21, 2020 | Board of County Commissioners Deliberation | Agenda Summary
October 19, 2020
| Board of County Commissioners Deliberations Continued
| Agenda Summary
June 28, 2021
| Board of County Commissioners Ordinance Adoption
| Agenda Summary
October 4, 2021
| Ordinance Effective Date
| Ordinance 599-2021
State Resources:

Executive Summary of the 2019 Revisions
The Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW) provides guidance on the measures necessary to control the quantity and quality of stormwater. Local municipalities use this manual to set stormwater requirements for new development and redevelopment projects. Land developers and development engineers use this manual to design permanent stormwater control plans, create construction stormwater pollution prevention plans, and determine stormwater infrastructure. Businesses use this manual to help design their stormwater pollution prevention plans.
The development and administration of the Clean Water Act National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) municipal stormwater permits in Washington.
This document gives a brief summary of changes. Appendix 1 contains the development regulations starting at page 84, ending at page 90.
Ecology has provided the crosswalk below to help you identify where content has been moved and/or renamed between the 2014 and 2019 manuals. Note that during the 2019 update some sections were merged together and/or edited for clarity. Therefore, you may not find the exact language from the 2014 manual in the linked sections of the 2019 manual indicated below. The links below will lead you to where the updated content is contained in the 2019 manual, providing updated guidance on the topic from the 2014 manual.