Community Planning
The Community Planning Team guides the development of the
County’s 20-year Comprehensive Plan and development regulations to set the
stage for future growth, development, and quality of life in Kitsap County.
They work to ensure that all elements of the built environment, including land
use, transportation, housing, energy, and infrastructure, work together to
provide sustainable places for living, working, and recreation.

The 20-Year Vision for unincorporated Kitsap County and how that vision will be achieved.
See the current adopted plan, current amendments in process and archived plans.

Code, Code Updates, and Director's Code Interpretations
Links to the complete Kitsap County Code, the code update process, and Director's interpretations of the code.

Home for all the planning and regulatory maps for Community Development.

Subarea plans are a type of long-range planning for a limited geographic area within a community. Here you will find Subarea plans, Limited Areas of More Intense Rural Development, and Community Plans.

The Buildable Lands Report is a "look back" to review consistency between actual and planned densities. It answers if development is occurring as envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan and if there is sufficient land supply for population and employment growths.