Information for Kitsap County's Unincorporated Urban Growth Areas (UGA's) can be found below.
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Bremerton Urban Growth Area
The Bremerton Urban Growth Area (UGA) includes four different areas described below:
Bremerton East
Bremerton West
Puget Sound Industrial Center – Bremerton
Bremerton East UGA
Bremerton East is located northeast of Bremerton. The Port Washington Narrows bisects the City of Bremerton and feeds into Dyes Inlet, north of Bremerton and south of Silverdale. This geographic separation creates a northeastern portion of the City. The Bremerton East UGA provides residents access to retail and services along Perry Avenue. The majority of the UGA consists of residential neighborhoods that offer quick access to area amenities and employment. The Bremerton East UGA is recognized for future annexation by the City of Bremerton.
Bremerton West UGA
Bremerton West is located west of Bremerton and includes multiple neighborhoods that are each surrounded by the city. These neighborhoods include the Rocky Point peninsula, Sherman Heights, West Hills, and areas northwest of Navy Yard City. These neighborhoods offer a mix of single-family homes, apartments, retail and service businesses, and light industrial uses. The Bremerton West UGA is recognized for future annexation by the City of Bremerton.
Gorst UGA
Gorst is located on Sinclair Inlet between Bremerton and Port Orchard. State Route 3 and State Route 16 interest at the core of the community. This transportation interchange provides access for county residents, commuters, and military personnel traveling to major job centers in the county. A railroad also traverses Gorst connecting the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard with the Bangor submarine facility and the Port of Shelton. The community vision is one of careful balance; managing its valuable role as a transportation lynchpin for Kitsap County along with responsible stewardship for its significant natural environment. The Gorst UGA is recognized for future annexation by the City of Bremerton.
Puget Sound Industrial Center - Bremerton
The Puget Sound Industrial Center – Bremerton (PSIC-Bremerton) is located southwest of the City of Bremerton and is bisected by State Route 3. Within the Puget Sound Region, PSIC-Bremerton is recognized as an important industrial employment center. The majority of the PSIC - Bremerton UGA was annexed by the city in multiple phases between 2008 and 2009 but small portions of the center remain within Kitsap County. The PSIC - Bremerton UGA is recognized for future annexation by the City of Bremerton.
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Central Kitsap Urban Growth Area
The Central Kitsap Urban Growth Area (UGA), located immediately north of the City of Bremerton and Bremerton East UGA, is bisected by State Route 303, Wheaton Way. The Illahee community is
located on the east side of the Central Kitsap UGA and contains an abundance of natural resources, which include Illahee State Park, Illahee Creek, and the Illahee Preserve; three miles of pristine waterfront; two major docks; and much more. On the western boundary of the Central Kitsap UGA, the Tracyton community is located on the east shoreline of Dyes Inlet and offers diverse residential neighborhoods and water access.
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Kingston Urban Growth Area
The Kingston Urban Growth Area is the northernmost in Kitsap County. It is located on the shores of Appletree Cove. This High-Capacity Transit Center hosts a Washington State ferry terminal and passenger-only ferry service. It is a major transportation hub that connects Kingston and Kitsap
County to King and Snohomish counties. The Port of Kingston marina provides guest and permanent moorage and direct access to nearby restaurants and amenities located on the main street corridor. The Kingston community values its shoreline, parks, and schools with interconnected systems of pedestrian and bicycle trails. The vision of Kingston focuses on maintaining open space, forests, and critical habitat areas, improving public facilities and services, and guiding the preservation and development of diverse housing types for all incomes and ages to maintain an inclusive community.
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Port Orchard Urban Growth Area
The Port Orchard UGA surrounds
the City of Port Orchard, the southernmost incorporated city in Kitsap County. The Port Orchard UGA is associated with the City and planned for future annexation. It offers residents and visitors access to several commercial corridors located on Mile Hill Drive, Sedgwick Road and Bethel Road. The South Kitsap Regional Park is also located in the Port Orchard UGA and provides the surrounding community access to ballfields, biking and walking trails, a skate park, and a playground.
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Poulsbo Urban Growth Area
Poulsbo’s Urban Growth Area (UGA), also known as the Poulsbo Urban Transition Area, is comprised of lands adjacent to the City of Poulsbo.
The associated UGA consists primarily of single-family residential and light industrial land uses. To ensure consistent development over time, areas within the Poulsbo UGA are subject to an interlocal agreement with City of Poulsbo addressing development standards. The Poulsbo UGA is recognized for future annexation by the City of Poulsbo.
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Silverdale Urban Growth Area
Silverdale is the geographic center of Kitsap County and is the retail and medical hub of the county. The Silverdale Urban Growth Area (UGA) includes a marina on Dyes inlet, a destination commercial core offering a mix of retail and services, residential neighborhoods with diverse housing options, and office and medical service providers.
The Clear Creek corridor, the largest creek corridor in the Silverdale UGA, flows south through the community core, and includes multiple public access points to the Clear Creek trail system.
The Silverdale UGA contains a Regional Growth Center which is envisioned to provide significant housing and job by 2036. As growth occurs the community vision focuses on protecting the scale of Silverdale's existing neighborhoods, creating a vibrant urban community with convenient access to commercial activities, and increasing jobs in the Silverdale core.
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