Agenda Master Schedule - PM Meetings

< December 2024 >
 Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat  Sun 
  Attendance Options: In person or via Zoom: By phone, dial 1-253-215-8782; Webinar ID:811 2674 3749. Start times are estimated and subject to change. Agenda items may be taken out of order
  Approve Minutes of 11-4-24, 11-18-24 PM Minutes
  Agenda Review for 12-02-24/Info Sharing
  For Decision/Deliberations Only: Continuation of a Public Hearing to consider Ordinance to adopt the Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, Capital Facilities Plan, and associated amendments to Development Regulations to Title 16 Environment
  Attendance Options: In person or via Zoom: By phone, dial 1-253-215-8782; Webinar ID: 832 8831 1770. Start times are estimated and subject to change. Agenda items may be taken out of order
  For Decision/Deliberations Only: Continuation of a Public Hearing to consider Ordinance to adopt the Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, Capital Facilities Plan, and associated amendments to Development Regulations to Title 16 Environment
  Executive Session re Potential Litigation
  Executive Session re Potential Litigation
  For Decision/Deliberations Only: Continuation of a Public Hearing to consider Ordinance to adopt the Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, Capital Facilities Plan, and associated amendments to Development Regulations to Title 16 Environment
  Approve Minutes of 11-25-24, 12-2-24 PM Briefing
  Attendance Options: In person or via Zoom: By phone, dial 1-253-215-8782; Webinar ID: 889 7543 1840. Start times are estimated and subject to change. Agenda items may be taken out of order.
  Risk Management December 2024 Update
  Executive Session for Potential Litigation
  Executive Session on Ongoing Litigation
  Commissioner Reports and Discussion
  Attendance Options: In person or via Zoom: By phone, dial 1-253-215-8782; Webinar ID:880 1723 9054. Start times are estimated and subject to change. Agenda items may be taken out of order.
  DCD PREP Update
  Human Resources December 2024 Update
  Human Services December 2024 Update
  Attendance Options: In person or via Zoom: By phone, dial 1-253-215-8782; Webinar ID:865 7275 2110. Start times are estimated and subject to change. Agenda items may be taken out of order.
  PROS Plan Preview
  Topical Briefings
  No Meetings Per Ordinance No. 485-2012