Park Grants



Kitsap County is grateful for generous Recreation and Conservation Organization (RCO) and National Park Service (NPS) support of our public park system since 1966.

Park NameGrant # Park NameGrant # 
Anderson Landing​78-062Laughlin Cove​00-1579
Anderson Point   ​02-1370Long Lake Park​77-044
Buck Lake County Park​73-008, 93-171Newberry Hill
(Central Kitsap Greenway)
Carpenter Creek  ​00-1444North Kitsap Heritage Park​04-1456, 10-1297A
Chico Creek​05-1389Norwegian Point Park​04-1484
Clear Creek Trail​98-1208Old Mill Park​96-063, 97-1161,
97-1327, 01-1444
Clear Creek Wetlands ​91-137Off Road Vehicle Study​80-041
Gordon Park Fields77-045, 99-1209,
Pilot Point ​07-1029, 07-1766
Gorst Estuary Wildlife Preserve​03-1181Point No Point​98-1030
Guillemot Cove  ​92-316Salsbury Point Park​73-079, 74-068, 92-314, 11-1133
Hansville Greenway Trail​96-115, 04-1458Silverdale Waterfront Park​77-018, 77-048, 85-045
Harper Waterfront ​​66-030, 70-501South Kitsap Regional Park​91-138, 08-1337,
Horseshoe Lake Park69-067, 72-054Stavis Estuary Preservation Project​00-1804
Illahee - Lost Continent ​​02-1352Veterans Memorial Park​78-035, 01-1160
Indianola Waterfront 98-1168Village Greens Golf Course ​75-020
Island Lake Park​​84-065, 92-143Wicks Lake Park ​69-011, 02-1349
Kingston Village Green​06-2053Wildcat Lake County Park​70-009, 73-036


 Grant Process

​The majority of significant grant funds for park acquisition and development are provided through various programs administered by Washington State's Recreation and Conservation Organization (RCO), formerly known as the Inter-Agency Commission (IAC). National Park Service programs, including the Land & Water Conservation Fund, also offer significant park funding and are administered by the RCO. 

Any grant applications on Kitsap County Parks Department land must be coordinated through the Parks Department.  In many cases, the application will fail without Parks Department consent/sponsorship.  In most cases, the granting agency will want to see a letter of approval by the land owner regardless of the funding partner/sponsor mix.

Some granting agencies/categories will want proof that the proposed project is consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan - Parks, Recreation, and Opens Space (PROS) Element.

Many grants require matching funds.  The Parks Department allocates its cash for matching funds through the annual Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) process.  Grant match requests must be coordinated with the current Parks Department CFP budget.

All grants have requirements associated with the gift.  Before applying for any grants, the Parks Department researches the long-term commitments required if the grant application is successful.  Such requirements may include:  keeping the land only for specified recreational uses in perpetuity; not allowing the installation of non-recreational facilities under penalty of invoking an expensive and time-consuming "conversion"; prohibiting motorized vehicle access; installing signs acknowledging the donor/gift; etc. 

If a community member or group is interested in applying for a grant to be spent on Kitsap County Park properties, we ask that they find out what requirements may be associated with a potential grant.  Please work with County Parks Department staff to find out if pre-existing grant restrictions may conflict with new grant opportunities.

Successful grant applications on Parks Department land mean that grant administration, compliance, annual audits, and penalties/conversion actions must be undertaken by Parks Department staff.  These can be time-consuming and expensive processes that involve other County Departments, the Board of County Commissioners, as well as state and federal agencies.  Therefore, let's coordinate our efforts to ensure we are spending public funds efficiently.