What is a noxious weed?
Noxious weeds are invasive, non-native plants that can threaten agricultural crops, local ecosystems, and
human and livestock health.
To learn more, see Kitsap County's 2024 Noxious Weed List.
Why have a Noxious Weed Control Program?
In 1969, Washington State established
RCW 17.10 to limit economic loss and adverse effects to Washington's agricultural, natural, and human resources due to the presence and spread of noxious weeds on all terrestrial and aquatic areas in the state. The law created a state Noxious Weed Control Board and required each county within Washington State to establish their own Noxious Weed Control Program and Board. The Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board annually publishes a list of noxious weeds identified for control and/or monitoring, which must then be adopted by our county Noxious Weed Control Board within 90 days. Listed weeds are separated into three classes: Class A, Class B, and Class C.
A description of these classes and the latest state list can be found in the document linked below.
Identifying and Reporting Noxious Weeds
As a gentle reminder, RCW 17.10 requires landowners to keep noxious weeds from going to seed on their site and spreading to neighboring locations. For immediate noxious weed control and removal services, see the following list of businesses that are known to provide noxious weed control work in Kitsap County: Noxious Weed Control Service Providers.
The resources listed below may be able to help you identify and manage small instances of noxious weeds on your own.
If you have or know of a larger noxious weed infestation,
please report through SeeClickFix at
Kitsap1 online or call +1(360) 337-5777.
Need help identifying a weed?
Visit the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board Weed Search.
Additional Resources
Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board for help identifying weeds, safe disposal tips, guidance on gardening with native species. Informacion en Español
Kitsap Conservation District for agriculture technical assistance including pasture management, native plantings and creating wildlife habitat.
Kitsap County Washington State University (WSU) Extension Office for resources related to small farms, master gardeners and water stewardship programs.
Submit an Inquiry
Please fill in the inquiry below, and we will get back to you shortly.
For urgent matters, please contact Kitsap1 at +1(360) 337-5777.
Free Noxious Weed Disposal
Free noxious weed disposal has ended on November 30, 2024.
Stay tuned! We plan to bring back free disposal in 2025!
Learn about what facilities qualify and how to participate
Long Lake Aquatic Invasive Plant Management
Kitsap County has contracted with AquaTechnex to conduct aquatic invasive species control work on Long Lake over the summer and fall of 2024. A notice has been sent by mail to all residents within a quarter mile of Long Lake, which provides more detail on the species being treated and the chemicals being used. AquaTechnex will posts signs in treatment areas within 48 hours of treatment. The signs will describe any water use restrictions or advisories.
The work being done is part of a Washington State Department of Ecology grant-funded project, with matching funds from Kitsap County's Noxious Weed Control Program. The work will follow guidance provided by the Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan (IAVMP) developed in 2022.
For more information about the management of invasive species on Long Lake in previous years, visit the Long Lake Management District website. Please note, the Long Lake Management District is not currently active.
Sign up here to receive email or text updates about the project.
Kitsap County Noxious Weed Control Board
Kitsap County's Noxious Weed Control Board consists of five voting members appointed by the county Commissioners, and one non-voting member which is either the director, or appointed by the director of the county WSU extension office. Each voting member represents the geographic area of one of Kitsap County's five school districts, and serves a term of four years.
The Noxious
is required
to hold a public meeting at least quarterly
with a quorum - a majority of voting members present.
The Board works closely with the Program Coordinator to provide education and technical assistance in the control of noxious weeds.
Applications are open for the North Kitsap position. To apply and for more information go to kcowa.us/advisorygroups or contact Kitsap County Volunteer Services at rpirtle@kitsap.gov.
Deborah Rudnick
| Bainbridge Island
| 2025-2028
| North Kitsap
| 2025-2028
Shannon Rose
| Central Kitsap
| 2024-2027
Courtney Brooks
| South Kitsap
| 2024-2027
Dylan Mendenhall
| Bremerton
| 2024-2027
Jess Sappington
| WSU Kitsap Extension
Board Meeting Information
Q2 2025 Board Meeting - TBD
Written Comment
To submit a written comment, please use this Form. (Under "Select Topic", choose "Submitting public comment")
Written comments will be read during the public comment period if submitted via Form by 12 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Comments read are limited to two minutes. To ensure written public comments are read at the proper meeting, written statement should include:
- The date of the meeting the written comments are intended for;
Participant's First and Last Name and whether they live in Kitsap County; and
Agenda Item and/or subject the written comments refer to.
Past Board Meetings
| Agenda
| Posted once approved at following meeting.
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| CK Fire Station #41, 7600 Old Military Rd. NE, Bremerton, WA 98311 and virtual via Zoom.
| Agenda
11/24 Minutes
| Presentation Slides
| CK Fire Station #41, 7600 Old Military Rd. NE, Bremerton, WA 98311 and virtual via Zoom.
- | 10/24 Minutes
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| Online only (Zoom).
8/7 Minutes |
Presentation Slides
CK Fire Station #41, 7600 Old Military Rd. NE, Bremerton, WA 98311 and virtual via Zoom.
6/6 Minutes |
Presentation Slides
Draft Noxious Weed Control Board Bylaws
Draft Ethical Guidelines for the Kitsap County Noxious Weed Control Board
CK Fire Station #56, 6470 Seabeck Hwy NW, Silverdale, WA 98383 and virtual via Zoom.
2/29 Minutes |
Presentation Slides
2024 Kitsap County Noxious Weed List (Proposed) |
CK Fire Station #41, 7600 Old Military Rd. NE, Bremerton, WA 98311
No agenda; training only
| Virtual
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| | Virtual