Kitsap County Regional Shoreline Restoration Project

A healthy beach environment starts with a good foundation of sediment. The sources of sediment, sometimes referred to as "feeder bluffs", have historically provided the appropriate type and amount of sediment to support shellfish, forage fish and other organisms- which in turn support salmon, and so on. HOWEVER...

Where are the sediment sources in Kitsap County?

Where are the best opportunities to restore or protect these shorelines?

How can we better understand and raise public awareness about the ecological effects of armoring (bulkheads)?


Kitsap County Department of Community Development was the recipient of an EPA Watershed Assistance Grant to:

Identify priority shoreline reaches of existing or potential sediment source value.

Prioritize those reaches by restoration potential, taking landowner willingness into account.

Provide public and private armoring removal demonstration projects to increase public awareness of coastal sediment processes and ecological effects of hard armoring. 


​Kitsap County Sediment Source Analysis And Restoration Prioritization Study

This study analyzed existing data to identify reaches of shoreline best suited for restoration and protection of sediment delivery and transport, based on physical attributes and potential for benefit.  It then looked at restoration feasibility, using the results of a landowner survey and other attributes such as how far the home is from the shoreline.  This resulted in the identified priority reaches and drift cells.

​Sediment Source Analysis (December 28, 2012)

Appendix C - Map Locations

​Maps and Diagrams

​These maps are interactive. Open the map, click on the "+" next to "Layers". Click or unclick the eye icon to turn the different layer on and off.

Fig.1 Sediment Source Data   

Fig.2a Drift Cell Score_Slopes

Fig.2b Drift Cell Score_Tributaries

​Fig.3 Reach Score

Fig.4 Risk to Infrastructure

​Fig.5 Priority Reaches

​Fig.6 Tracyton Example

Fig.7 Pt.Jefferson Example

Summary Poster

​Demonstration Project: Anna Smith Park Bulkhead Removal

The bulkhead removal and shoreline restoration project at Anna Smith Park in Dyes Inlet was completed in late August 2012.  This project was identified for its location in a priority sediment source reach.  It will improve natural shoreline conditions by reconnecting sediment sources to the beach, while improving shoreline access for the public.  The bulkhead wall, rip-rap and old cedar pilings behind the wall were dismantled and removed by barge. The natural sediments that were trapped behind the bulkhead are now settling and distributing along the beach.  For more information, please see:

Habitat Work Schedule

​(Regional database for restoration project details)

BKAT video of the project


​Kitsap County Parks Department





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Department of Community Development
Planning and Environmental Programs

(360) 337-5777 (Kitsap 1)

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614 Division Street - MS36
Port Orchard, WA 98366

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619 Division Street
Port Orchard, Washington