
Our office will be closed from Noon to 1 p.m. on Friday, December 13. Thank you.

Secure finances are critical to the success of Kitsap County (we are the 7th largest in the state). We serve all Kitsap County Departments and special purpose districts because when you see where your tax dollars are spent we all thrive together.

Important resources for you:

  • Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR): The ACFR is a complete end of the year financial report of Kitsap County operations. You can download the most recent version now.

  • Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR): The PAFR is a condensed version of the ACFR. This version doesn't require an accounting degree to understand.

  • Financial Reporting Archive: You may view the archived information from Financial Services. We provide monthly reports on expenditures and revenue to county departments and special purpose districts such as fire, sewer, and ports. You can download a PDF for each year dating back to 1999.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay informed of the services we provide to you.

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