Waaga Way Connector Road & Design Standards Process


Project Complete

​Following three days of deliberations, on April 24th 2009, the Board of County Commissioners provided staff guidance on the preparation for the Waaga Way Town Center design standards and Zoning Use Table amendments. Draft adopting ordinance and associated attachments are in the project links section.

Planning Commission Findings & Recommendations

On February 27, 2009, the Kitsap County Planning Commission held a public hearing on the draft amendments. Subsequently, on March 3, 2009, the Planning Commission reviewed testimony received and deliberated on the draft amendments. Recommendations that were forwarded to Board of County Commissioners for their consideration are in the Project Links section.

2009 Project Scope

As part of a 2009 work program, Kitsap County embarked on a process to locate a connector road system and create design standards that are intended to link properties within the area to the new Waaga Way Extension Road and coordinate site design, as well as define a sense of place.  A Stakeholders Committee was established to participate in the development of the connector road alignment and design standards. These standards were adopted in May 2009 (documents noted above).

Additionally, in the summer of 2009, staff will working with the Board of Commissioners to develop code augmentations for the creation of a Silverdale Design Review Committee. This Design Review Committee will be charged to make recommendations on possible Waaga Way Town Center design standard deviations. Please check this website for future updates.

2008 Project Activities

On December 8 and 23 2008, the Board of County Commissioners adopted amendments to the Silverdale Sub-Area Plan and Silverdale Design Standards. These amendments provide guidance for the development of the location and design of the Waaga Way connector roads, as well as surrounding properties. Additional revisions to the preferred connector road system and design of the area began work the first quarter of 2009.