Substance Abuse Prevention Services

substance abuse and prevention services banner with three main images, first image includes multicultural youth, two males and three females, second image are of wood signs - first old habits point left and new habits right, and third image is a female face silohuette with the sun, clouds, and water in background

 Program Overview

The Kitsap County Substance Abuse and Prevention program (KCSAAP) was first established by the Kitsap County Board of Commissioners in 1990 to develop substance abuse prevention resources and to support and assist with the coordination of existing prevention programs and services for youth, their families, schools, and communities. Our work and programs are supported by the Substance Abuse Prevention Coalitions and community partners. You can learn more about the Bremerton and North Kitsap coalitions by attending an event or prevention coalition meeting.

The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, division of Behavioral Health and Recovery provides funding for Coalitions as part of the Community Prevention & Wellness Initiative which focuses on the limited prevention resources to communities and provides long-term support for positive community change.

 News & Events

national teen dating violence awareness & prevention month (TDVAM) imageFebruary is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month (TDVAM). This is an issue that impacts everyone - not just teens - but their parents, teachers, friends and communities as well. Together, we can raise the nation's awareness about teen dating violence and promote safe, healthy, relationships. Help break the cycle of violence by providing support and services to victims, families and communities. Learn more at youth.GOV, access available resources and prevention tool kits to participate. 

2023 Healthy Youth Survey results offer signs of hope and resiliency among youth in Kitsap County and across the state! Visit Washington State Healthy Youth Survey to explore the survey data dashboard, propose new or modified survey questions for 2025.

 Check out the My Shoes, My Story project


 Need help?

Kitsap1 is your first call for County services and questions.

Call 360.337.5777 or email
Just say no animated person with long blue hair and blue shirt with left hand up to signify "stop"
Questions about Substance Abuse and Prevention Services? Contact Deanne Jackson, Program Coordinator via email at or call 360-337-4878

Or contact Laura Hyde, Program Supervisor via email at or call 360-337-4879


 More resources and fact sheets on opioids and its effect on youth​ marijuana, cannabis leaf in caution sign for marijuana and cannabis prevention and resources
    on opioids and its effect on youth          prevention and resources

 Cigarette in red "don't" sign for youth tobacco, e-cigarettes and vaping fact sheets and resourcesorange circle with images of mangifyig class and files for additional resources and coloring sheets
          fact sheets and resources                  and coloring sheets