Fire Watch Procedures and Resources:
When a required fire protection system is out of service, the fire department and Kitsap Fire Marshals Office shall be notified immediately by filling out this Fire Watch Application Form. Fire Department representatives or the Kitsap County Fire Marshal may require a building to be evacuated, or an approved Fire Watch be provided. This fire watch must be provided for all occupants left unprotected by the shutdown, until the fire protection system(s) has been returned to service.
When approved, the Fire Watch personnel shall have at least one means of notifying 9-1-1, as well as a way to notify occupants of an alarm. Fire Watch personnel shall only be assigned this duty and perform constant patrols of the premises and watch for fires. No other duties shall be assigned to the designated fire watch personnel.
Fire watch personnel must be:
- On site and awake at all times.
- Have knowledge of the location of fire extinguishers.
- Have knowledge of the location of all exits.
- Maintain exiting pathways for clearance.
- Correct any deficiencies relating to unsafe operations that could create a fire.
A Fire Watch Log is required to be available to the Kitsap County Fire Marshals Office. The form can be downloaded from this link:
Fire Watch Application fillable 10-22-24.pdf
Once completed, email this form to help@kitsap1.com