Bicycle and Electric Vehicle Code

Bicycle and Electric Vehicle Code 2022

About the Project

The Kitsap County Community Development Department has developed revisions to Kitsap County Code Chapter 17.490 Off-Street Parking and Loading to encourage and require new development and applicable redevelopment to install facilities for bicycle parking and electric vehicle charging. This

The project scope includes: 
• Guidance for bicycle parking for new construction and applicable redevelopment in urban areas, Rural Commercial and Industrial zones, and LAMIRDs only, and for electric vehicle charging stations throughout the County
• Establish minimum standards and encourage provision of additional facilities with incentives 
• Establish location, dimension, material, design, numeric, and other standards 
• Revise/add applicable definitions as needed in 17.110

The objectives of the Bicycle and Electric Vehicle Code Update include:
• Increase non-motorized and low/no emission transportation options
• Improve public health outcomes via cleaner air and active transportation
• Reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions and help support Puget Sound Regional Council Vision 2050, Countywide Planning Policies, Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan, and Kitsap County Climate Change Resiliency Assessment goals and outcomes


Final Adopted Ordinance - effective July 1, 2023


Department of Community Development
Planning and Environmental Programs

(360) 337-5777 (Kitsap 1)


614 Division Street - MS36
Port Orchard, WA 98366


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