Comments, notes or other information
Eldorado BlvdRestrictedbetween
Newberry Hill and Eldorado Pl NW
1/13/20253/31/2025Other - Put details in the commentsModerate delays between 5 and 10 minutes
Work is being done by Miles Resources for a private development. Work is intermittent, flaggers onsite to direct traffic through worksite. Some days there may be delays longer than 10 minutes.
Feigley Rd WRestrictedbetween
SW Old Clifton Rd and W Frontage Rd
2/10/20252/14/2025MaintenanceModerate delays between 5 and 10 minutes
Overhead brushing, Flaggers present, Weather dependent
Glenwood Rd SWRestrictedbetween
SW Wildwood Rd and SW Lake Helena Rd
1/13/20252/28/2025ConstructionModerate delays between 5 and 10 minutes
Intermittent delays with traffic control in place for utility relocation work.
NE Gunderson RoadRestrictednear
Stottlemeyer Road NE
9/15/20235/9/2025ConstructionShort delays of less than 5 minutes
Be cautious of trucks entering/leaving Gunderson Road to/from new North Kitsap Service Center Project.
NW Sherman Hill RdRestrictedfrom
Clear Creek Rd NW to Viking Way NW
2/10/20252/14/2025MaintenanceModerate delays between 5 and 10 minutes
Overhead Brush, Flaggers present